I wear a 4XL helmet, that's the only size that fits so I don't have much choice in the way of helmets. My first AFX helmet didn't fit well which I didn't realise until I hit motorway speeds, thankfully my second helmet a HJC one fit well but after a recent accident it was out of stock in the UK and had to import it from Italy.
Both helmets were ECE 22.05 so legal but other 4XL helmets tend not be so if I want a modular one, which I do, it'll only be DOT certified. I'm just wondering what the consequences would be if I went down that route as it's entirely possible I may not have any choice but to in the future?
Has anyone ever been pulled over for a helmet check, what about insurance?
As for safety I'd have to take my chances or potentially give up the bike.
Both helmets were ECE 22.05 so legal but other 4XL helmets tend not be so if I want a modular one, which I do, it'll only be DOT certified. I'm just wondering what the consequences would be if I went down that route as it's entirely possible I may not have any choice but to in the future?
Has anyone ever been pulled over for a helmet check, what about insurance?
As for safety I'd have to take my chances or potentially give up the bike.