I'm a fool - forgot my mums birthday

Or, fly her to Paris...come on how much will it cost to hire a small plane for a few hours, get her there in the morning, bit of shopping, fancy restaurant, and back before bedtime.
pyro said:
Or, fly her to Paris...come on how much will it cost to hire a small plane for a few hours, get her there in the morning, bit of shopping, fancy restaurant, and back before bedtime.

Alright for some :p .
Get her and a group of friend together somewhere and hire her a stripper.
Give her some entertainment she isnt expecting :p
I would seriously be worried with my mum flying a plane!

But a one of experience like that would be good, would make up for forgetting ;)

Outlook > Calander > Reminders.. Awesome tool.

Seriously, she will be upset at the fact that you forgot her birthday and now you need to treat her well.
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