Yucca said:Ok i am also doing this. Just a quick question for those of you who know what you are doing. I am better £1 at a time and so far ive wagered up for £50 and have won £12 so i am now on £62 and i originally put in £50. So all is well. But its taking forever. It will take me hours to get to £500 worth of wager. SO my question is, is there any more risk in betting £5 a time rather than £1?
Surly the odds of winning still stay the same, just under 50:50. So wouldnt the risk be exactly the same?
I cant see what difference it makes if you bet £1 of £5, seen as the wins and looses even themselves out over a few hands anyway dont they, isnt that the whole point?
the odds onyl even out at just under 50/50 over many many hands, theres nothin to say you cant have a run of a fair few losses, you might have somethin like 5 losses 2 wins and 4 more losses, playin £1 hands it wont matter much but £5 hands will eat your balance very quickly.