I'm sick of emailin 20+ members so here it is......MATCHED BETTING by anksta

Yucca said:
Ok i am also doing this. Just a quick question for those of you who know what you are doing. I am better £1 at a time and so far ive wagered up for £50 and have won £12 so i am now on £62 and i originally put in £50. So all is well. But its taking forever. It will take me hours to get to £500 worth of wager. SO my question is, is there any more risk in betting £5 a time rather than £1?

Surly the odds of winning still stay the same, just under 50:50. So wouldnt the risk be exactly the same?

I cant see what difference it makes if you bet £1 of £5, seen as the wins and looses even themselves out over a few hands anyway dont they, isnt that the whole point?

the odds onyl even out at just under 50/50 over many many hands, theres nothin to say you cant have a run of a fair few losses, you might have somethin like 5 losses 2 wins and 4 more losses, playin £1 hands it wont matter much but £5 hands will eat your balance very quickly.
yeah the higher the hand you play, the more variance can hurt you

it takes time, but at a £1 hand, you are more likely to bring in some money - without too many heart attack moments :)
I find £2 bets the sweet spot. If you have enough money to keep redepositing (ie hundreds if not thousands in liquid funds online) then you should be OK betting the higher hands and let the statistics bring you back up.
Ok i need some help. I have wagered Over £500 now (£524). Do i collect my £50 now or when i have wagered £550? And how do i go about doing it?

I want to wager the £5000 and get the £250 so do i still collect my £50 now or just keep playing till i hit £5000 wagered?
Going to have a go at this over the weekend, seems like a good way of filling up my ISA allowance by just spending a few hours a week looking for odds across different bookmakers.
Yucca said:
Ok i need some help. I have wagered Over £500 now (£524). Do i collect my £50 now or when i have wagered £550? And how do i go about doing it?

I want to wager the £5000 and get the £250 so do i still collect my £50 now or just keep playing till i hit £5000 wagered?

You have to play until you've wagered the £5000 to claim the 250. If you claim the 50, you can't claim the 250.

I've done my first and claimed the 50 to start with. I'll be going bigger on my next one.
Yucca said:
Ok i am also doing this. Just a quick question for those of you who know what you are doing. I am better £1 at a time and so far ive wagered up for £50 and have won £12 so i am now on £62 and i originally put in £50. So all is well. But its taking forever. It will take me hours to get to £500 worth of wager. SO my question is, is there any more risk in betting £5 a time rather than £1?

Surly the odds of winning still stay the same, just under 50:50. So wouldnt the risk be exactly the same?

I cant see what difference it makes if you bet £1 of £5, seen as the wins and looses even themselves out over a few hands anyway dont they, isnt that the whole point?

Oh, and to answer this one. I had a run of 12 losses on £1 hands. If I was on £5 I would've been out of money, but £1 hands I was alright, dropping to £38.

It took me about 2 hours to wager the 500. A further 15 minutes to wager my 50 bonus and I came out with £45 profit. Not bad for 2 and a bit hours worth of work :)

I did vary my bet size slightly. When I got up to £60, I'd wager a couple of £5 hands for fun, but nothing more than that, and on going below 50, going down to £1 hands.
Deiwos said:
Oh, and to answer this one. I had a run of 12 losses on £1 hands. If I was on £5 I would've been out of money, but £1 hands I was alright, dropping to £38.

It took me about 2 hours to wager the 500. A further 15 minutes to wager my 50 bonus and I came out with £45 profit. Not bad for 2 and a bit hours worth of work :)

I did vary my bet size slightly. When I got up to £60, I'd wager a couple of £5 hands for fun, but nothing more than that, and on going below 50, going down to £1 hands.

What are you doing here? Playing blackjack? I take it you're just playing in a siilar way and walking away with the signup bonus. Wouldn't there be a larger element of risk doing this than doing the matched betting described by the OP? I'd rather play blackjack I think but don't really want to be risking losing money along the way.
Clark Nova said:
What are you doing here? Playing blackjack? I take it you're just playing in a siilar way and walking away with the signup bonus. Wouldn't there be a larger element of risk doing this than doing the matched betting described by the OP? I'd rather play blackjack I think but don't really want to be risking losing money along the way.

Yeah, playing blackjack.

There is a slightly higher element of risk with blackjack, as technically you could have a run of 50 straight losses, but the odds on that are extremely slim. I had 12 losses in a row, but then I got something like 4 black jacks and 4 wins in about 12 hands, which clawed it back up.

The lowest I got down to was £30, but got that back to £50, and claimed the bonus. You have then have to wager the bonus (in this case £50) but that takes no time at all, and you're pretty much guaranteed profit, bar some incredibly bad luck.

www.fundmydegree.com - check the 'bonus bagging' section, and that explains it.

Also, if you're going to do it, almost ALWAYS follow the chart on FMD. Obviously you can take the gamble at times (I did a few times), but the chart shows you how best to bet on each hand.

Do note, that matched betting is safer than bonus bagging, but bonus baggings rewards are greater.
Deiwos said:
Yeah, playing blackjack.

There is a slightly higher element of risk with blackjack, as technically you could have a run of 50 straight losses, but the odds on that are extremely slim. I had 12 losses in a row, but then I got something like 4 black jacks and 4 wins in about 12 hands, which clawed it back up.

The lowest I got down to was £30, but got that back to £50, and claimed the bonus. You have then have to wager the bonus (in this case £50) but that takes no time at all, and you're pretty much guaranteed profit, bar some incredibly bad luck.

www.fundmydegree.com - check the 'bonus bagging' section, and that explains it.

Also, if you're going to do it, almost ALWAYS follow the chart on FMD. Obviously you can take the gamble at times (I did a few times), but the chart shows you how best to bet on each hand.

Do note, that matched betting is safer than bonus bagging, but bonus baggings rewards are greater.

Thanks very much for confirming that, I might try my hand (pun intended) at blackjack then in that case. I can spare a couple of hours a week quite easily to play cards and at least it's fun to play.
I'm guessing you have to meet the wager requirements in one sitting? My internet connection is playing up on VC's software and cut out after half an hour and wouldn't reload. I'd done about £150 worth of wagers, if I start again and do another £400 will I get the bonus or have I lost it now?
You can do it over time. I hope so anyway because if not then i have lost mine and about 2 days of my life.
Mad old tory said:
I'm guessing you have to meet the wager requirements in one sitting? My internet connection is playing up on VC's software and cut out after half an hour and wouldn't reload. I'd done about £150 worth of wagers, if I start again and do another £400 will I get the bonus or have I lost it now?

you have to meet the WR and the bonus requirement in somethin like 30 days so it shouldnt be a problem
Anybody know how much I have to bet at blackjack before I am eligible to withdraw my stake money and the introductory £50? I'm currently £128 to the good and have bet a cumulative total of £238 so far so I'm doing pretty well to say I am £28 up just from playing cards and then I have my stake money and the £50 bonus to take away when I am finished.

Any ideas how much longer I have to play for? My eyes and brain are hurting a bit now :p
bolger said:
Read the terms and conditions before starting!

Which casino is it?

I'm playing with William Hill first of all, it's the one that was suggested to begin with in the stickies on fundmydegree.com in the casino bonus forum.

I did have a look in the Will Hill website but couldn't find out where it had the details, I think I read on MSE that it was £500 bet before you can withdraw bonus though.
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