About £140 for those ladders.Mind sharing how much ish? I want some ladders but I had no idea they were so pricey
Also got a couple of pairs of 501s.
About £140 for those ladders.Mind sharing how much ish? I want some ladders but I had no idea they were so pricey
Good value it comes with an instruction book, step 1, step 2, step 3 etc
Oh gosh that's good. Last time I got on ladders I couldn't figure out what on earth was going on. Up was down, down was up, kids were screaming. Shocking.
Well that went over your head didn't it.
New seat.
glad you labelled that, I stared at it for a few moments wondering if it was some kind of futuristic shoe or ice skate.New seat.
You can do better than that...if you're going to be a comedian at least put some effort in
Now we're talking, all the leather clad boys will be jealousYour wish is my command.
Now your high rolling
I've spent the 15 minutes since your post considering how else it could have been interpreted so i guess it did
Universal soldier?Ice!!!
@DampCat The Alien day rebooks this year aren't Ripleys I believe, I thought they were Bishops? Ripleys are typically the high tops and were on sale in 2016 [/geek]
Shocked you managed to nab them, most get sold out immediately and thrown on ebay at silly prices.
You're 100% right, they're Bishops. I got mine from a Czech store at RRP thankfully.
bought a cleanup crew:
2 Red Onion Nerite, 5 Amano Shrimp (which have promptly disappeared), 2 Zebra Nerite and 2 Zebra Thorn Nerite
Some trainers