That looks it was designed by a 5 year old.
That looks it was designed by a 5 year old.
For a 5yr old maybe!That looks it was designed by a 5 year old.
Wavebird Wireless controller for my Gamecube!
Yeah I assume it can be used on switch with the port adapter they sellI was sad when my old one died. Can't find em brand new any more from when I last checked. Nintendo should do a revival of the Wavebird too like they're doing with all their older controllers!
Wavebird Wireless controller for my Gamecube!
Wavebird Wireless controller for my Gamecube!
I have one of these but left the battery in and it leaked and pretty much melted the PCB inside.
Wavebird Wireless controller for my Gamecube!
Without doubt my favourite controller of all time.
Still remember playing Wind Waker un-tethered and thinking I was in the year 2050.
Those get very highly reviewed, everywhere, Dyson have an incredible online team who seem to boost favourable reviews and adverts very well.
The only criticism anywhere seems to have is that it only comes with one battery.
I read that as "Dyson Obsolete"