Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

For me it was the fact that the decor looks like I dropped some acid and then walked into a room from the 1970s :D

@Malevolence - can we get a full room pic? I must see this!

You can blame my Sister for the room. I've recently had to move back in with my parents to help my Mother care for my old man (Parkinson's w/ lewy dementia, cancer and heart problems). This is my Sisters old room and she was massively into Winnie the Pooh, hence the yellow walls and he fittings (pelmet, door, skirting board etc.) being blue.
Equipment on site up to £20k value. (any single item up to the value of £6500)
£10mil public liability
Worldwide (exc US)
£75k Professional indemnity

Tbf then, thats not a bad premium at all, especially since its worldwide cover. You try getting a comparative premium to cover your car worldwide ;)
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