New toy? When can we expect a review? It looks nice, is that screen OLED and how's the dial, clicky or smooth?
p.s. I sometimes wonder why does it need so much voltage to drive headphones, it's not exactly moving much air. 48V? My Dyson is running on half that.
It's a integrated speaker amp/DAC! No headphones output. 300Wx2 max hence the power input, though it takes up to 48V 10A but comes with a 48V 5A GaN adapter. the 10A one is much bigger and has an internal fan so sod that.
Screen is LCD but doesn't have any obvious issues so looks to be decent. The volume pot is ratcheted and the physical dial itself feels like solid rubber and weighs around 24g so feels rather nice top use and I prefer using it due to how it feels than using the remote
Here's how the display (on lowest brightness) looks in dim lighting, it has a display off mode too that wakes up the screen on any input:
Three display modes for the graphics, I like the L/R VU meter and was one of the reasons I decided to buy it:
The 2nd reason was the ability to swap the OpAmps to something superior.
For sound, only been a few hours listening but sound is very spacious, the DAC is very picky though with how good the source music mastering is whereas the Topping MX3S and my past NADs were more forgiving. Give them a lower quality master and those tracks still sounded OK but with this it is just very transparent and passes the low quality master to your speakers and ears

, doesn't matter if it's Spotify or FLAC, poor source is still a poor source.
Listening to this right now and it's like the experience I get playing with the headphones on where every instrument is positioned specifically around me even though both speakers are in front of me...
Only issue is the power adapter when nothing is playing I can hear a tiny amount of coil whine if I concentrate but that's a me issue as I hear stuff like that and have to live with them.
So yeah, so far so good.