Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Well concerning Chavs and corner sofas I have a story for [TW]Fox -

I hired a Luton van a few month ago and a random person in the street, where I was moving my youngest from, asked if I wanted to earn £25.
I returned later and took this to the MacMillan Charity shop that is infested with Chavs -
When me and the Son in Law dropped it off 3 Chav families swarmed around it :D
The same way a Burberry cap is chavvy? It's intrinsically linked with chav culture through association.

Im curious how you know this? Do you associate with enough chavs to know their interior decorating habits?

I honestly had no idea corner sofas were popular amongst chav subculture.

Also, is it just specific corner sofas or do sofas with a chais longue bit also fall under this?
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Im curious how you know this? Do you associate with enough chavs to know their interior decorating habits?

It's very much a case of purchasing an item of furniture to suit a desired need.

So in the case of a corner sofa we're talking function over form. To assemble and arrange a two piece suite in a room takes a greater degree of thought and effort than simply sticking a soft squashy thing in the corner of the room. It's basic and quick.

Much the same way a chav eats at KFC/McDonalds they don't have the desire/effort to strive for something better.
It's very much a case of purchasing an item of furniture to suit a desired need.

So in the case of a corner sofa we're talking function over form. To assemble and arrange a two piece suite in a room takes a greater degree of thought and effort than simply sticking a soft squashy thing in the corner of the room. It's basic and quick.

Much the same way a chav eats at KFC/McDonalds they don't have the desire/effort to strive for something better.

Haha christ I have heard some **** in my day, but this tops it all.
It's very much a case of purchasing an item of furniture to suit a desired need.

So in the case of a corner sofa we're talking function over form. To assemble and arrange a two piece suite in a room takes a greater degree of thought and effort than simply sticking a soft squashy thing in the corner of the room. It's basic and quick.

Much the same way a chav eats at KFC/McDonalds they don't have the desire/effort to strive for something better.

If that were the case then we would have purchased the cheapest piece of tat available rather than selecting something with we both found aesthetically appealing, which also fitted the space available and the requirements we had.

Therefore it was selected for function and form.

Haha christ I have heard some **** in my day, but this tops it all.

I bet there'll be more!
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