Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Makita battery powered dual action polisher to compliment my Festool RO150. (Which I use for sanding more than polishing) Waiting on a 5" backing pad and two additional 5Ah batteries. Also picked up some more work gloves.

Please let us know how you get on with it, quite tempted myself :cool:.
Er, is it a good idea to have just one neon tetra and house it in a small tank with a fighting fish?

Doesn’t seem good husbandry to me.

There are 3 neon tetra and 2 amber tetra in there. No issues with the fighting fish, he doesn’t mind them.
I've come from a magic mouse, so I'm not sure I'm the power user that you are in terms of button count ;)

I like the gaps - One of the reasons I bought it actually, I think it looks cool. How much 'detritus' do you have floating around you? Your keyboard keys must stop moving in a few days, with all the buildup!

As for better mouse, feels great to me, looks great, really pleased :D
Don't press them too hard. You don't want the internals excessively compressed. I stopped using one in the end - I like uniform burgers, but I don't like them compressed. Pretty smart looking tool though.

I don't use mine too often either. My usual tactic is to grab the mince, work it like a dough as described about, then grab a ball, chuck it in a hot pan and then use the above pressed pit to squash it down.

Not as uniform but i find it works a little better.
Had one, I think I threw it away because I found myself not liking the workflow of making the burger with it.

I don't even roll it into a ball these days since it gets press down in the pan. I divide a pack of mince into squares/rectangular shapes right there in the packet with a straight edge of the burger flipper thing. Lift one up into a hot carbon steel pan and using the same flipper squash it down until the right thickness that i want. If I want more leverage to push down, instead of stress on the handle I just grab a mug or use a wooden spoon. Don't use your hand, if you slip that's going to be one bad day.

Once flat season on one side. Flip once.

p.s. sprinkle some garlic powder with salt and pepper. It takes it up a notch.

Big or small.


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