I'm on my third. The battery went on the first, I got a discounted replacement as it was quite a few years old. The battery went after a year on the second so they've replaced it for free. I won't be paying for another.
I'm on my third. The battery went on the first, I got a discounted replacement as it was quite a few years old. The battery went after a year on the second so they've replaced it for free. I won't be paying for another.
I'm on my third. The battery went on the first, I got a discounted replacement as it was quite a few years old. The battery went after a year on the second so they've replaced it for free. I won't be paying for another.
I'm on my third. The battery went on the first, I got a discounted replacement as it was quite a few years old. The battery went after a year on the second so they've replaced it for free. I won't be paying for another.
I think you and Raymond Lin are single handedly keeping all the courier companies running with the sheer amount of stuff you buy
Same here. 90% of the stuff I buy isn’t posted on here.i only post like 1/10th of the crap that I buy lol.
I had like 10 parcels from Japan in September alone and only posted 1 on here…it’s just spamming otherwise.
Same here. 90% of the stuff I buy isn’t posted on here.
I think you’re running short on relish mate
Open coffee beans should not be in the fridge you
28p each date 2023 i had to pick up ..................I think you’re running short on relish mate
Open coffee beans should be in the fridge you heathen
No they shouldn't. Fridges are quite a moist environment which isn't great for the beans but the temperature change between amient and fridge (or even worse, freezer) will cause condensation to form on the beans.
The best place to store coffee beans is in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.
Your fridge, like your freezer, should be a very dry place. But you are correct that the primary issue is the condensation upon removal and replacing back in the fridge or freezer. Freezing beans long term and then bringing them up to room temperature whilst still airtight sealed (thus preventing condensation) is a very good way of storing them.No they shouldn't. Fridges are quite a moist environment which isn't great for the beans but the temperature change between amient and fridge (or even worse, freezer) will cause condensation to form on the beans.
The best place to store coffee beans is in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.