Ha it's acccctually a YNNI or whatever it was. Same same though and for the XL was about 900. Was the only one I could get delivered to me in 2020 but yea, love it! Very pleased with that. That and the Ooni out there serve me very well.
Haha yes, I love that one, but it's not to everyone's taste. Which is fine! I change them up pretty frequently. I'll no doubt put something else up soon but hey. Horses for courses and all that. My aunty is a realllly good full time artist, I keep angling for a painting of hers for the house I'd love there
just don't fancy the 5k+ price tag! She said years ago she'd donate one to the house, so...
Something else arrived today, and I have an inability to not put things up immediately.
Before. Excuse the towel to clean the dogs feet and my dirty outside. I've been playing/ gardening
After! Very pleased with it. Though I did just spend over 100eur on frigging bulbs! Needed light over the table (soon to be replaced but chairs are new) and light over this end (something going in this space hopefully next week) so this was a good choice. I really like how it's looking and my touch on the place since being a bachelor pad