Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Trying out James Hoffman's stuff.


Pixel 5 sorta sage, Loxjie A30 amp dac and Kanto YU4 passives.


(stands for speakers coming tomorrow :'( )
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On offer at Farmfoods at 2 for £1, they are usually £2-3 a box. I haven't been to FF since I was a kid but I made the trip for these, they remind me of going to the cinema while we were living in the states. So good.


... and some more Coffee. Bear are the best supplier we have found online for consistently good coffee, a lot of people on here rave about Rave, but we found most of their stuff to be really poor after a few attempts. We went through another 5 or 6 suppliers before we settled on Bear and everything we have from them is great.

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Trying out James Hoffman's stuff.


Pixel 5 sorta sage, Loxjie A30 amp dac and Kanto YU4 passives.


(stands for speakers coming tomorrow :'( )
That Amp looks like a nice piece of kit. What made you choose that one and those speakers specifically? How does it sound?
That Amp looks like a nice piece of kit. What made you choose that one and those speakers specifically? How does it sound?
Reviews of the A30 seem very good and it’s a nice looking unit to have on the desktop. I’m a fan of the Kanto speakers and these are their passives - they do 5” version too. They sound good to me!

Got them on the Kanto S4W speaker stands now and look very smart.
i went through a few 4" desktop speakers for my desk at work. I tried the q acoustics (previous gen), some cambridge audios, and some Dali Zensor Picos. The Dalis were noticeably better than the other two, on a desk with a screen behind them, which isnt ideal. Those Kantos look the part though, i'll check those out.

The amp is interesting though. it gets good reviews. I'm running a TEAC A-H01 now, which i got for around £120 used. sounds pretty good.
Reviews of the A30 seem very good and it’s a nice looking unit to have on the desktop. I’m a fan of the Kanto speakers and these are their passives - they do 5” version too. They sound good to me!

Got them on the Kanto S4W speaker stands now and look very smart.

What size is the headphone jack? 1/4 or 1/8th?
Sturdiness has never been an issue really, had both sizes over the decades on various amps and never had the smaller 3.5mm break/loosen or fail otherwise. And that's been both on and under the desk getting snagged and so on over the years. IMO the size is not an issue for home use, it is more a professional preference for specific uses I guess.
Wife’s new eternity ring, she’s been quite happy over the weekend, I wonder why
On another note, I think I might need to get her engagement ring valued as the whole staff in the shop were mesmerised by it when we got it cleaned

Bit of an update.
because of how the staff acted in the shop about her engagement ring, I finally bothered my lazy arse to go to a jeweller to get it valued, pretty good job I did as he said I should have it insured for at least £3500, I nearly fell over, as I only paid $2000au for it almost 6 years ago.
i went through a few 4" desktop speakers for my desk at work. I tried the q acoustics (previous gen), some cambridge audios, and some Dali Zensor Picos. The Dalis were noticeably better than the other two, on a desk with a screen behind them, which isnt ideal. Those Kantos look the part though, i'll check those out.

The amp is interesting though. it gets good reviews. I'm running a TEAC A-H01 now, which i got for around £120 used. sounds pretty good.

Having to sell the Kanto speakers it seems, my box room in the loft just isn’t working with any sort powerful setup.
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