So that other small desk fan I got ages ago ended up being a whiner after all this time of use and I ended up trying and returning a whole slew of desk fans, and a Honeywell one which I thought was "desk" friendly but never checked the dimensions, which led to comedy scenes when it arrived and it was floor fan sized lol and sounded like a Delta case fan from the 2000s.
Have settled on this which arrived today, finally a fan that is genuinely silent on the lowest speed, no coil resonance and no chassis vibrations either. Just the sound of air making blade contact. It is USB-C too and has a single press button to go through the modes, long press turns it off without having to cycle the modes (important to note). And for once, it feels like a quality fan as opposed to cheap Chinese tat. Lowest speed pushes more air than the highest speed of the old one too.
It has wall mounting holes too for those that like putting these above a monitor etc but comically the USB port is on the top, so you will need a right angled extension to keep cabling tidy