Bought a real Christmas tree. Had a minor meltdown over our dodgy base, then a another whilst adding the lights. Conveniently my O/H and the 17 year old went to the shop when it was time to do this bit, leaving me with a 5 & 2 year old trying it "help" me. Character building I think they call it
We also welcomed a new member to the mad house on Saturday. Meet Daisy, the dog formally known as Princess.
After a while without having a dog (first time since I was 6!) we've now moved to a larger home and got space for another nut case. She was rescued from a breeder who has had 3 litters off her in the 3 years she's been alive then left her in the flat she was evicted from as she couldn't sell her on. She weighs 30kg and has never been walked, simply used for one thing only which is quite sad.
She's already settled in with everyone like she's always been here, quickest and easiest of any of the dogs I've rescued given it's only been 48 hours. We were out following deer tracks in the snow late last night, pulls like an absolute train and her paws need some TLC to get used to walking. All easy fixes.
Can't wait to get her settled, broken in and up some mountains early 2024; then we'll open the doors to a friend for her.