Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Forgot I pre-ordered these and not sure if it's actually required.


Minisforum MS-01 and MKB i83 keyboard.
I didn't however budget for water peeing through a light fitting the week after we moved in, so a winter later I bought an expensive temporary climbing frame, plus paid half the total cost of redoing my whole roof and cladding. At least we'll be we'll insulated and water tight for a good 20 years when it's done.

Had this nuts idea of blocking up the chimney. Thought I'd Google it and it turns out products exist. I wish I had known this earlier!

Should've bought a Chimney Sheep because the name is hilarious

Just makes sense tbh. I also like the continuous warm feature but I do feel 12 hours may be excessive :cry:

I'm actually trying to decide on the use case for the continuous warm feature. Guess it makes sense if you drinking multiple brews, but wonder what consumption is like vs re-boiling.
I'm actually trying to decide on the use case for the continuous warm feature. Guess it makes sense if you drinking multiple brews, but wonder what consumption is like vs re-boiling.
I expect it's pretty bad if you're keeping it warm across an entire cuppa e.g. 20-30 mins! I assumed the feature was so someone who's 5 minutes late to the kitchen can make a brew.
does it give you an ETA ? ... for breakfast, noisy kettle in the kitchen can be heard from upstairs and usually arrive jit; in kitchen though, noise is annoying.
does it give you an ETA ? ... for breakfast, noisy kettle in the kitchen can be heard from upstairs and usually arrive jit; in kitchen though, noise is annoying.

Oooh not tried that, but i doubt it as it doesn't know the water capacity.

It is quite nice watching the display increase though as you're stood waiting vs listening out for the boiling
I am genuinely lured in by the keep warm Ember mug. It is totally true that you generally enjoy the first few sips, it gets cold, and then you neck it. This means every sip is a first sip...

I was listening to the MKBHD Waveform podcast and in a recent episode they mention that it is one of the best gadgets they have ever used (by that Andrew guy), but he got it as a present rather than paying for it.

I would totally use it at work, since there is a MASSIVE solar panel in the building and I would feel less bad using renewable electricity.
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Needed a kettle and definitely needed one that could tell me mid boil what the temp was on my phone...



You know, a smart kettle is actually one 9f the few appliances I'd love smart.

Any cheap skates like me can use abasic ***** setup. I have a smart plug and as long as I remember to fill up the kettle and turn the kettle switch on, I can start the smart plug routine from my phone.

I even set it to boil 3 mins before work for that pre warmed start of work drink!
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