Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

It's in the Shetland Islands,
Haven't got many photos of it finished (been ongoing 2 years)

Money shot! Lovely house :cool:. I'd love to live somewhere like that. Unfortunately...civilisation :p.

Returned the watch I bought last week as it didnt keep time and instead replaced it with this 2012 GMT Master II Ceramic :)
Taylor 424CE?

It's a 516CE but it was a good guess. :)

Really need to upgrade my acoustic - how do you find it to play?

At first I tired quite easily as I was used to using 12-53s and this has 13-56s but as a fan of the Taylor sound I love it and I'm getting there.

I did try a cedar top 514CE as well as a 712CE in the shop but I didn't like the difference in sound or scale and settled on this one (I tried some Martin as well but what can I say... Taylor is the one for me).

AIO pump died so got a replacement which OCUK sent me and works perfectly.:D

Just storing with the rest of the boxes as i'm a hoarder. You will never guess whats in the banker box below it. :)
Wow, didn't even know they are making them that big anymore! Must have set you back quite a bit?!

(In b4 that's what she said jokes...)
We're upto 10TB drives now I believe.

This one was £204. I bought the same model 18 months ago for £190. Gives me some much needed breathing space :D
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