Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Baby spider!!!!
A Brazilian whiteknee, Nhandu Chromatus.
Little guy is currently 10mm, adult size is 5.5-6"

His hobbies include, eating, digging, throwing tiny threat poses and more eating.

Baby spider!!!!
A Brazilian whiteknee, Nhandu Chromatus.
Little guy is currently 10mm, adult size is 5.5-6"

His hobbies include, eating, digging, throwing tiny threat poses and more eating.

Stunning. My brother had a Mexican Redknee Tarantula which unfortunately died after only a few years (it also had the temperament of a young Mike Tyson so it spent most of the time in its enclosure. Lovely pets though.
Can we have an official spider thread please. Then all spider pics can be moved there and the rest of us normal people can avoid that thread :)
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