Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

My dad used to hate working on push bikes, he just couldn't get on with them.

Motorbikes, cars, vans, trailers he was fine with, he had pretty much every tool under the sun for them, but he hated working on cycles as he never managed to get the knack of aligning the brakes etc.

Really easy to do! Especially good brakes as they're self aligning! Heh heh
Snowed last night near me, I'd already ordered these and picked them up today for when I need to fit them.
Been an expensive week.

New chair, changes to the desk, monitor stand and new speakers.

Ikea Malkolm chair (nice and firm), White Ply Monitor stand (Rainforest), Yamaha HS5 monitors (very nice indeed).


Some more gears for my controller project. Two 60 tooth and a 28 tooth 1.0 Mod metric gears. They are very similarly sized to the 24DP imperial sized gears in use on the original Atari Star Wars yoke.

The one on the right is the first size I ordered thinking they were actually bigger. The 2 large ones have the same amount of teeth as the tiny one but due to pitch size have a big difference in size.

Unfortunately I'm still missing one gear, 14 tooth, which is to follow.

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I'm only just getting to grips with it. Spent some time faffing around with apps downloaded via Garmin connect which is pretty cool.
Not seen any map options though. Give me a couple of days and I'll report back :)
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