Ugh this brings back horrible memories of having my kerbs dropped, so expensive.
We had to use an approved firm.Is it allowed to DIY or has to be approved firm. Looks good anyway, I see no lip or gaps to it
Is it allowed to DIY or has to be approved firm. Looks good anyway, I see no lip or gaps to it
Worst part of £1000 I could have spent that money on better things!
Random fact time. Many European countries who don't have English as a native last will actually say it as it's written there.Tiny hands or impractically large phone-type-thing?
Also it's the 27th. Not 27.
That date/time combo needs to be on /r/crappydesign!
Random fact time. Many European countries who don't have English as a native last will actually say it as it's written there.
It's actually become the norm for me when speaking with colleagues
Absolutely, I bet the blue passports won't have any savage like displays or date & text.Barbarians like that are why the fine citizens of this civilised kingdom voted leave!
Worst part of £1000 I could have spent that money on better things!
Most of that cost goes to the local council for the permit for the company to drop the kerb
Ohhhh it begins. Expect to waste some coffee, drink far too many espressos, and make a mess. Then enjoy the benefits once you figure out your method!