Images of items I have purchased.

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After a few years wait I've finally got a TV for my home office.

I decided to do away with the things I don't need, namely Smart TV functionality and 3D. We have those features on the Samsung TV downstairs and only used them in the first couple of weeks.

This set is all about the screen, which is really nice. The sound isn't bad either for a fairly slim LED.

Model: UE46F5000

Where did you get it from?
How does one purchase such a thing? :)

Gorgeous! :cool: Is he yours or is that in a private zoo?

Give it a few years and he'll happily eat your face :D He's very cute though...

It was through a local conservation (non-profit) that offered a chance for a meet and greet in exchange for a nice donation. It was absolutely awesome!
There were 3 cubs all 8 weeks old, and they were every bit a tiger you can imagine. Surprised my wife with it all :)
The conservation is not open to public and they only did it this weekend for a couple people, no idea how I managed this one :D

I know i know, awesome photo. Loving it so far. Really glad to be back on android.
Latest purchase: Me hanging out with this little guy:

daaaawwwwwww :D

That's brilliant Clipsey.

I did the same thing about 10 years ago at Paradise Wildlife Park. IIRC the cub was rejected by its mother and the keeper used to take it home every day to look after it. I would've done anything to have his job.

I'm assuming you got loads of pictures? :)

Its paws are almost as big as his hands :eek:
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I've donated Money and Time!, Could only afford £5, but I spent 2 hours with the British Red Cross yesterday outside Tesco's in Swindon with a heavy collecting bucket! :)
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