the mrs is getting action movies all week
You'll be too bleary-eyed for any other action.
Love the tv.
the mrs is getting action movies all week
I guess todays the release day?
Got these on the pre-sale yesterday Can't wait!
Why do the big well known trendy trendy bands charge so much for tickets...?
I've just paid half that for NIN tickets for next May. Even Rammstein last year was only around 30 notes.
Thank you for wearing trousers.
It's less the cost of the tickets that bother me and more the crazy fees the ticket sellers whack on top. For example that'll be £3 please as you've chosen to print your tickets at home, so I'm paying to use my own printer and ink
I agreeI'm not a fan of 3d but watched Pacific Rim 3d last night and it was visually excellent.
I thought that new X-Box was terrible or something.
I thought that new X-Box was terrible or something.
Where did you get the cable for these and you tell the difference over stock? Been eyeing a pair of these for a while now...
The beast has arrived....
Almost didn't make it but two calls to DPD and it found home.
Oh do show us more[/IMG]
Almost didn't make it but two calls to DPD and it found home.
Trying to upload a damn picture but Flickr is absolutely terrible.