Images of items I have purchased.

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You'd notice quite a difference between the Reds and buckling springs, both in noise and feel. They're louder than Cherry MX Blues and definitely heavier. I haven't tried the Green switches, but I'm told those are closer in feel (but still not the same). You'll also lose a chunk of desk space. :p

Sweet deal man :) I saw someone using the M on Youtube and every key hit rang like a bomb blasting. It makes you sound like a hacker when you type fast, this is appropriate for ultimate nerd status.

Yeah buckling springs seem to be the opposite of reds in every way. Linear VS Tactile, Loud VS Quiet, Stiff VS Smooth. I love all the switches though I treat them like shoes. I've only tried red, blue and brown though.

How's your WPM on the M compared to the Filco? You a fast typer? Trust me if you want a typing race ;)


I'm in a group buy for some of these beasts :cool:
Bought a PS4, not delivered until tomorrow so no photo yet :)

Something I did purchase today was a new tariff, took only 3 minutes from clicking purchase to it switching over. This was at work earlier, a nice 5GB to play with.[IMG][/QUOTE]

5GB at that speed?! These 4G plans are terrible. I get unlimited data and with tethering I can easily use 5GB in a week. Plus I get up to 21mb without 4G on Three!

So happy I managed to score one for £46.99, they are sold out everywhere.

I was holding out for blue but I saw another site selling black ones for £40 and I took so long umming and ahhing they went out of stock, did some digging and managed to find blue one and I glad I did cause they are out of stock again now.

The prices on auction sites are ridiculous, **** scalpers.
It doesn't have to be an amp. I just want to try my hand at soldering. Whilst at work experience they told me I should have a go but I didn't feel comfortable doing it on a customers item :D A schools none the less. So instead I just used electric tape... I wonder if that power cable will stop working one day :wonder:
02 4G?? Ahhh who needs that!!' Unlimited and only H+

5GB at that speed?! These 4G plans are terrible. I get unlimited data and with tethering I can easily use 5GB in a week. Plus I get up to 21mb without 4G on Three!

I've never once needed over 1GB so 5 should be fine. My bro got it upto 50MBPS in the city centre. I work in the middle of nowhere. O2 isn't bad when I get a 30% discount through my friend and I can get a new phone every month :)

Got a couple of friends on 3. They might be cheap but they can't wait to get out of their contracts. They hate them. When I had my Galaxy S3 it never displayed 3G, always H+ And was always quick. Maybe it is a software fault.
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You can tell it's Christmas!! (and my 40th Birthday on Wednesday) as my usual 'Tea Total life' goes out of the window!!...

Mmmmmmmm Beeeerrrr!!...



Grand total of £2.50 as I had £12.50 on my Nectar Card!! :D
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