Images of items I have purchased.

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Two fingers up at Apple and their greedy storage upgrade prices for their Phones and Tablets. And the other OEMs that gimp their phones with low storage options without expandability!

128GB Sandisk MircoSD



Out with the old, in with the new.


A year I have waited for this to be released and finally it's here. Can put aside any worry of having to resort to migrating my music to Google Music cloud now.

Posting the 64GB up on MM later tonight for anyone looking for a bit of extra storage for their tablet or phone.
Two fingers up at Apple and their greedy storage upgrade prices for their Phones and Tablets. And the other OEMs that gimp their phones with low storage options without expandability!

128GB Sandisk MircoSD



Narh, that's not how you stick 2 fingers at apple, to do that properly you need to buy a lowest storage iPhone/iPad they make and then find a way to stick a 128G SD card in there.

Buying an SD card for another brand phone is as much sticking 2 fingers at Toshiba who makes digital picture frames. Or at least, sticking 2 fingers at every other phone maker you didn't buy because they didn't get your money to begin with.
I'm sooooo tempted by the refurbs that're out at the moment!

That's what it is. Refurbished late 2012, 2.6 i7. But only the 4GB of RAM and the 500GB HDD. I'm upgrading both of those myself. Have a Samsung 830 I have lying around spare and got 16GB of RAM on order. Couldn't be arsed waiting for the new announcement. But if they announce one in the next couple of weeks, can always upgrade with the grace period.
That's what it is. Refurbished late 2012, 2.6 i7. But only the 4GB of RAM and the 500GB HDD. I'm upgrading both of those myself. Have a Samsung 830 I have lying around spare and got 16GB of RAM on order. Couldn't be arsed waiting for the new announcement. But if they announce one in the next couple of weeks, can always upgrade with the grace period.

How much are those?
Soundmagic E10s after reading how many people on here rated them so highly I ordered some knowing the stock ones from my HTC One were a bit pish

A new cheapy watch, £13 delivered from a well known auction site, looks ok and feels solid, no idea how well it keeps time yet though

A year I have waited for this to be released and finally it's here. Can put aside any worry of having to resort to migrating my music to Google Music cloud now.
Can now think about getting rid of my iPod and using my phone to play my music over Bluetooth to my hearing aids. :cool: One less thing to carry around as well. :)
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