Images of items I have purchased.

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Following on from by Bucky O' Hare pick up - the missus completed my Turtles Classic Collection the other day with Leonardo and Donatello...

And I picked up some more 80's figures as well..... I think I've hit my mid-life crisis!

Finally got this months Nerd Block



Got a new printer :D

Got quite a good price, so it will sit next to my inkjet and save me some time and money on ink when printing text, hopefully :D

£25 all in :)
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I like the idea of the nerd block/loot crate but they are just too expensive for me too consider. If I could get it for the US price I probably would.

I've signed up this month for Loot Crate (just for one month rolling contract), so I'll see how I feel about it when it's delivered and whether or not it's worth continuing. I know the month I quit there'll be something awesome.

It's a shame there's no UK distribution network, hopefully this will come as Loot Crate/Nerd Box expand and make the price more reasonable.
I've signed up this month for Loot Crate (just for one month rolling contract), so I'll see how I feel about it when it's delivered and whether or not it's worth continuing. I know the month I quit there'll be something awesome.

It's a shame there's no UK distribution network, hopefully this will come as Loot Crate/Nerd Box expand and make the price more reasonable.

I was interested in Loot Crate especially when I saw the $13 price but soon realised it is about $26 to get it to the UK. To be honest most of it is tat, not really worth it in my eyes.
i have had both lootcrate and nerdblock for the last 3-4 months and have cancelled my lootcrate, I prefer the nerdblock as they include a tshirt each month. I also get Nerblock junior for 2 of my kids and they love it :)

this also came through the post today :)

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Child of Light looks awesome. Will be picking up no doubt, I watched the IGN UK review this morning and I am thoroughly impressed by the graphical art style.
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