Images of items I have purchased.

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Are you out there for work?

After past disasters with France I think me and the wife are ready to give it another go, some where small with locals bars and bakeries is exactly what we want. Is it a popular tourist destination?

Yeah, I've got a placement in a lycée around 20 minutes drive from the flat. I'll be back in London in a years time to finish my degree, but I'm seriously considering moving to France for good in a few years - you can get a bigger, more modern flat than mine in the same block for €80k, which would barely buy you a garage where I'm from!

It's relatively popular in the summer, but nothing like St Tropez or Cannes - the beach is always fairly empty and nowhere ever feels full. My block is almost all holiday rentals, and a lot of the tenants have left already so it's pretty quiet and it'll probably feel like I've got the whole place to myself in a month or two!
What does the gentleman of vigour, brio and historical intellect do when he finds a hazel tree in his garden? He attempts to make an early British spear, of course! And an arrow. Sadly, I couldn't find a cheap bronze spearhead, so I bought this steel one for the first attempt. I've already cut and stripped the shaft, and started to fire-straighten it.

what practical use will the spear have?

Pfff, loads! I could free a kite from a low-hanging branch. I could sit on the sofa and use it to prod the missus until she goes and brings me pigsnacks. I could whirl it above my head and pretend to be a helicopter. But really, it's a weapon form made for killing and we aren't really allowed to do that any more so there isn't any use for it as far as the original intended purpose goes; but (as I'm becoming more and more of a history nerd) it will be an educational tool for me in that I'd quite like to fully research how our ancestors did stuff and have a go myself. It seems a shame not to have a go when the wood is free in my garden, anyway.

In the future, I'd love to have a go at casting and finishing Bronze Age weaponry. I mean, look at this LOOK AT IT.
Can't say my laptop has ever need "cooling", I've never heard the fan even kick in (if it's even got one) ;)

I recently took mine apart, removed motherboard and redid the GPU & CPU TIM. Running much cooler and the laptop pad isn't that necessary. But the cooler pad really works well, taking temps down by a further 8 to 10c. I'm surprised and delighted because reviews on laptop coolers mostly state drops of only 2/3c. Cannot hear the fans at all.
What does the gentleman of vigour, brio and historical intellect do when he finds a hazel tree in his garden? He attempts to make an early British spear, of course! And an arrow. Sadly, I couldn't find a cheap bronze spearhead, so I bought this steel one for the first attempt. I've already cut and stripped the shaft, and started to fire-straighten it.


I think I'm starting a full on bromance with you.
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