Ah I forgot Ducti did lifetime replacements. Do you need the recipt though?
MM bargain.
Nice little upgrade to replace my battered Naos 5000
On the Naos 5000 myself going on 3 years whats the 7000 like? Is it worth the upgrade?
New axe.
Freesat USB dongle. Their official site is German, didn't even think about the plug, so need to go buy a travel adapter before I can use it. So used to EU stuff coming with multiple plugs, or company chucking a free adapter in.
Wow! Kawai brings back some memories.
My first ever synth was a Kawai K1. One of the patches was blow your socks off awesome and became legendary. A bit like the first patch on the Korg M1 called Universe. Yet to be bettered imo.
^ What's the name of that style of chair? Looks ridiculously comfortable.
It wasn't this was it?