Images of items I have purchased.

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New axe.


Freesat USB dongle. Their official site is German, didn't even think about the plug, so need to go buy a travel adapter before I can use it. So used to EU stuff coming with multiple plugs, or company chucking a free adapter in.

I am confused as to what bit actually plugs in, if that a dongle, and you plug the dongle into the usb of your P, and the antenna into the back of it, does the dongle also take a third connection to a power supply?

How much was it?

It basically looks like a freesat HD box equivalent, so any satellite connection should work perfectly fine, just connect, scan and go.
Yep, it needs a separate power supply as USB doesn't provide enough.
About £74 €92.89 is exact price with shippimg.
And yes it's essentially a free sat box or free sat card. Just my hoc is do small it can't fit a free sat card into it hence USB.
Nice Eames! Is that the Walnut? I would really like the unoiled rosewood finish with Espresso leather and an Ottoman.
^ What's the name of that style of chair? Looks ridiculously comfortable.

It is an Eames Lounge Chair and the best and original ones are made by Herman Miller but there are a lot of knockoffs about also.

Should come with an Ottoman and new ones now cost around $4-6k depending on the materials:

Just wanted to add that I have nothing against the knockoff ones! Would rather see someone with a 300 quid Eames in their livingroom than something from Ikea :p
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