Images of items I have purchased.

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I wouldn't like the idea of coming home every night in the winter months when it pouring with heavy rain and dark and cold and have to mess around with putting the car on charge..
That cable Also looks like a trip hazard...:eek:

Need one them car wireless charging docks..(Or whatever there called)
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How interesting
To be completely honest it was a random buy that I had been thinking about for a while...saw it and decided it had to happen. Cheered me up. Life has been sucky, its retail therapy. :)

That's all that matters tbh. Impulse buys can be the best
The picture clearly shows kinect?

And it's a day one console, the no kinect package didn't get release until recently. All day one consoles have kinect.

Both things I am aware of. I was talking about the guy saying you could get an Xbox on hotdealsuk for 300 quid, that one wouldn't come with kinect.
This is what I bagged, a cheap n cheerful laptop to supplement the rig, slow as a tank with a lawnmower engine in it but I'll allow it.

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