Images of items I have purchased.

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My Massdrop order arrived today with £18 tax and £8 Royal Mail handling to pay.

and the hunt for a reasonably priced amp for them now, pc and phone use.


Prepare your ears! (Bass port mod worth doing too).
No, you haven't purchased them as they are not legally yours as no consideration has been exchanged.

My stores would say otherwise since there is now a legal binding contract between the two of us. :rolleyes:

Don't get your panties in a twist now. :p

You can buy 2014 for £7 secondhand now !

£7 wasted.

Yeah, except they're not.

Come on, it's Football, you can rename it Football 1 and Football 2 next year, it's still the same sport, no different to each new Call of Duty that comes out every 6 or so months.
£64.99 delivered, misprice at rainforest place.

Ordered last week and completely forgot about it till it was delivered today. Don't know what to do with the thing as not even on X79 platform anymore. :p

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