Images of items I have purchased.

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I'm still recovering from reading the words "Toaster" and "£150" in the same sentence :p - madness!

When i moved into my new place i was shopping for Stuff, you know, and by the time i'd put a toaster, a sink drying rack and a kettle into the basket i'd spent over 200 quid. It's utterly terrifying.

So i put it all back and left John Lewis.
When i moved into my new place i was shopping for Stuff, you know, and by the time i'd put a toaster, a sink drying rack and a kettle into the basket i'd spent over 200 quid. It's utterly terrifying.

So i put it all back and left John Lewis.


I agree buying cheap means you normally end up buying twice. I think I spent £20-30 on my toaster which does 4 slices and is red so it matches my kitchen. Pretty sure I don't have any requirements other than burning bread sufficiently, which this does :p :D
so many toasters,


go big or go home

my daily


Bugatti Volo, Motorised toast rack ftw.
New Centre



Acoustic Energy Radiance 7 :cool:

Have given it a whirl, it's nothing short of's also HUGE.
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