Images of items I have purchased.

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I've never given it much thought, what more needs designing? :p

That it actually fits things in it, that it browns an entire slice of bread rather than 3/4 of it etc. None of them actually fit anything you want in them. Unless you assumedly buy bread from the 1950s which must have been much smaller than now. And god forbid you might want to toast a tea cake without it getting stuck in there.
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That it actually fits things in it, that it browns an entire slice of bread rather than 3/4 of it etc. Nome if them actually fit anything you want in them. Unless you assumedly buy bread from the 1950s which must have been much smaller than now. And god forbid you might want to toast a tea cake without it getting stuck in there.

I'm totally with you now and I agree. I did put a teacake in after taking that photo and I had to put it face down on the breadboard and squash it before putting it in. Not cool.
I've always thought it would be a great kickstarter campaign, but I have no idea how to prototype such a thing and arrange manufacturing. The help guides online are zero help on such matters.
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I've always thought it would be a great kickstsrter campaign, but I have no idea how to prototype such a thing and arrange manufacturing. The help guides online are zero help on such matters.

We should do it. We'd have to make it similar to an Apple launch video where we talk in a soft tone and say we have revolutionised the toaster.
That it actually fits things in it, that it browns an entire slice of bread rather than 3/4 of it etc. None of them actually fit anything you want in them. Unless you assumedly buy bread from the 1950s which must have been much smaller than now. And god forbid you might want to toast a tea cake without it getting stuck in there.

For once, I agree with Glaucus.

How hard is it to make a toaster tall enough to accommodate a typical slice of bread? I don't know if they make them for European sliced bread, i.e. each slice is roughly the size of a drink coaster, but if I had any spare money, I'd start a company that made a proper toaster.
I noticed that the bread in Denmark and Switzerland was pathetically small and perfectly square so maybe that is the standard size bread and we are just greedy gits :D

I mean try cooking mothers pride Scottish plain loaf in a toaster you do one half then turn it over for another.
While i admit that i have massively little experience in the world of bread browning devices, i really dont seem to have this problem.


I have that model of toaster, it fits every bit of bread which i have ever tried in it just fine including the toasty warburtons type loaves which seem to be about as big as any other :p
Well, until this thread i was of the opinion that a toaster is a toaster is a toaster (other than cosmetics) but it seems that perhaps i bought something which is actually genuinely quite good :p
Well, it fits bread in it :p If that is actually rare on the toaster market then yep, its unique.

It's extremely rare, how's it handle odd stuff like tea cakes, hot cross buns, crumpets and artisan bread which is more oval, lower but fair bit wider.
It's extremely rare, how's it handle odd stuff like tea cakes, hot cross buns, crumpets and artisan bread which is more oval, lower but fair bit wider.

Its openings are quite large, so it fits most shapes of things. The cage system it uses isnt like the £5 type toasters you see in supermarkets, the bottom rail which the bread sits in goes down, but also the cage inside each slot clamps the bread in place so that it wont get caught ever as it comes up.

For weird stuff you can always use the toasting cages which you just lower in, the item could never get caught using them:


Purchased this beautiful 3 piece curved glass desk. Absolute bargain.

Also purchased the 2tb USB 3.0 drive on the right.

Laptop is the Latitude E6440 with extended battery. Superb battery life, never thought laptops had come on this far!

And the Harmon Kardon 2.1 speakers.


You wouldn't think these books make up a course nearly 10,000 euros in value. (thankfully I'm getting it free).

Also getting my CFA in as well, though I think I'm being possibly too ambitious. :D :D :D


And finally got this to start to learn Guitar (something I've promised myself I'd do for a long time). It's a Yamaha F310. It was cheap, came with spare strings, bag etc.

Other purchases included a nice printer, bookcases, stuff for my room, a sofa, wooden floors (not put down because I'm lazy) etc. Oh and Tequila.

I've never had a proper proper job before, its unreal. I get to buy everything and not make a dent. :D
While i admit that i have massively little experience in the world of bread browning devices, i really dont seem to have this problem.


I have that model of toaster, it fits every bit of bread which i have ever tried in it just fine including the toasty warburtons type loaves which seem to be about as big as any other :p

I was going to buy that one then I found this

Im really pleased with it
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