Images of items I have purchased.

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I've been hearing adverts on the radio urging people to drink Diet drinks instead of Regular, sponsored but healthier or something. Seems like pretty terrible advice.
Space badge collection starts here :)


KDL50W705 - As a long term plasma lover, I'm seriously impressed.

First surround system - 7.1




Turned to the dark side. I've been shunning the Playstation since 1994, so this is kinda emotional (the Saturn was better than the PS1 :p)


Ghosts was an odd choice with the next COD installment out next week :p

:o I know, hah I didn't know it was out next week. I've been out of touch with gaming for a while now. Have ordered Advanced Warfare :) - Ghosts was 20 odd quid pre-owned in Game.

Steve, why is your TV off centre? and NICE TV !

Ah don't ask! ;) We are placing two TVs along this wall (we bought two of the same TV units and bunched them together) the idea is I can game with headphones while someone else watches some (insert some American sitcom crap). The furniture is not ideal as the divider cannot come out, so it's either the centre speaker is off centre, or the TV. It looks more strange in the photo as you can't see the other stand. :)

Nice setup but a radiator behind your gear. Your PS4 will cook itself in it's own juices.... :D

Also where did you get the TV unit I need a new one and yours seems similar to mine which is no longer available...

I must admit, the quality of the base Tee from Qwertee isn't great. I've got quite a few from them and I'm noticing a lot of fraying at the bottom which I don't get with any from other sites like Snorgtees.
42zx said:
Moved house so took the opportunity to go from this -


To this (hopefully I got enough blur in the photos) -


Homebase Longleat Table
15" Retina Macbook Pro
Samsung 1.5TB M3 USB3 HDD

and also a new camera, Ricoh GR.


Those bottom two photos, what kind of processing was done/camera?

Very nice images :)
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