Images of items I have purchased.

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So today was Xmas shopping day for our 3 year old son, this is what we bought him :)
He's kinda into Dinosaurs :p


I think I'd **** the bed if I woke up to find that many presents on Christmas morning at 3 years old :D

Magical part of the year for any child. At least it's not like most that only encourage/want the latest iPhone's and iPad's…

What does a 3 year old need with all that?
just a waste of money

Come on. It's Christmas. You wouldn't spoil your children out of love? Would you really want sour children because you're mean and cheap?

Nothing beats the memories of a fantastic childhood. If SDK^ want to do it, well done. There's too many miserable unhappy children nowadays. Especially the fact so many adults has moaned how crappy their childhood has been.

Death cab fans exist?


First track I heard by DCFC was Champagne from a paper cup in the late 90s and have been a fan since. But I was listening to a lot of stuff from Barsuk at the time (including All-Time Quarterback which was a Gibbard side project).

It was a good time on the internet. Pre Web 2.0. You could go to band websites and they'd have links sections to their friends and labels and through link jumping I found so much great music from bands and artists I still listen to today. These days not so much. The "links" section from web development seems to have been replaced by "follow me on yet another ******** social media website".
The title track and passenger seat are my two favourites off Trans.

Your heart is an empty room is probably my favourite off Plans followed by What Sara said.

I wish Gibbard and Dntel would hurry up and give us a Postal Service follow up already. Been talked about for years and still nothing.

Well damn. Just looked up Postal Service on wiki;

Yeah, I saw Postal Service in May 2013 and it was fantastic.

They're released a Blu-Ray called Everything Will Change

Price has dropped massively. It was £20 plus postage when I looked 2 weeks ago so I bought it from America. For £8.50 it's a steal!
I am seriously itching for some remote control bulbs of some description. Leaning towards the Philips Hue setup as my Harmony will be able to control them then.

I am seriously itching for some remote control bulbs of some description. Leaning towards the Philips Hue setup as my Harmony will be able to control them then.


You've been thinking about them long enough, I think you won't be happy with anything else and it's an itch that you just got to scratch! :)
You've been thinking about them long enough, I think you won't be happy with anything else and it's an itch that you just got to scratch! :)

You're like the little devil on my shoulder going "go on, do it" :p

I also have the Philips LivingColors Aura, good idea with Harmony though:)

The way I have it at the moment is 2 x Ikea stand up floor lamps which take 3 bulbs each. With all the lights off and just those on they give a really nice soft light across the room.

I'm thinking of replacing the bulbs in these with the Philips hue one and then keying them in with the harmony, so when the projector is on and the screen drops down they go white for the back lighting around the screen (the screen drops down right infront of them) and then when just watching normal tv they go to a more normal colour etc.

Plus lots of other cool colour possibilities.

The LivingColours are cool, but I don't think I'd use them, plus it's something else to kick/damage. I don't know, I don't see the need for them personally.
Thanks. The controller intrigued me, as it's the same one you get with those 5m LED strips too, there seems to be an OEM making a lot of LED stuff with those controllers.
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