Images of items I have purchased.

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Royal Blood's album is incredible.

First time I saw them was their performance on Jools Holland and all it took was one track and I said "I'm ordering their album". Only got round to doing it last week though as I've been listening to it mostly on Spotify.
I don't sub to spotify. I use the free version. Also, I'm a music collector. I like having physical copies of CD or vinyl.

Argh, with you now.

CD = Pay once and own it for as long as the media lasts.
SPotify = Pay once per month to keep listening and/or until the artist pulls their catalogue.

I've been subbed 2 years now and never had to buy a CD because it was pulled from Spotify. The only CD's i do need to buy if i want them are MOS compilations mind.
CD = Pay once and own it for as long as the media lasts.
SPotify = Pay once per month to keep listening and/or until the artist pulls their catalogue.

Also I dislike the digital business. Only Bandcamp has managed to get it right. Why would I pay 0.99 cents per track on an album at mediocre quality when I can pay the same price for a physical CD and get CD quality?

I think it was Beatport was looking to charge me £1.25 per track or something on a dubstep EP, simply because the EP was in *.flac as opposed to low quality MP3.

At least Bandcamp it's all the same price for all the same formats regardless of whether it's lossless or lossy. Which is why I tend to buy a lot of digital and physical music through there and direct from artists. I don't even download tracks from Amazon with the autorip feature when I buy the physical media because I can rip the tracks myself when the physical media arrives to a decent quality.

Edit: It was £1.66. For lossless. the **** I'm paying that. And it's £1.87 per track on Beat Port for AIFF or WAV.
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Adding to my collection, I bought a WWI-era Italian bayonet. (Am I doing this fancy photography thing correctly?)


It's a Carcano M1891. Sadly, I can't identify the main marking, so dating it is difficult.

I've been subbed 2 years now and never had to buy a CD because it was pulled from Spotify. The only CD's i do need to buy if i want them are MOS compilations mind.

This obviously isnt the thread for a potracted debate, but the fact is there is no guarantee these streaming services will be able to maintain their catalogues in the long run. The Taylor Swift withdrawl is proof of that

The fact they managed to do so for two years comes as no surprise, the record labels who allowed their music to be used probably have signed up for a specific length of time. And many most won't make a snap decision because they'll want to see how the industry plays out. 2 years is not a long time.

Apparently Spotify aren't offering good value for money, if that is the case, artists will seek out better platforms for their music. They'll go to whichever service offers them the best return. Can Spotify compete with Google and Apple? you even use Lightroom bro?

This is the incorrect use of internet-grammar. You should have said "do you even Lightroom bro?".
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