Images of items I have purchased.

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was thinking of getting this for web browsing but the 1gb ram is putting me off a bit as I normally open quite a few tabs at once. can I ask how have you found it to run while browsing

Seems to be coping okay. Several tabs open, one of them playing a 1080p file over the local wifi network.

Crinkleshoes what are going to install that requires a nuclear powerstation to run it?

It's not so much about the total wattage... it's the fact the PSU runs up to 500W without the fan running :)

I doubt I'll use more than 800W of its capacity under load when finished... will likely have 2x GK210 whenever they are released.

Only running an ageing 8800gt at the moment while waiting... although the finger is twitching on the buy button for a GTX970 to get me playing.
Seems to be coping okay. Several tabs open, one of them playing a 1080p file over the local wifi network.


Can these things use the desktop version of youtube and still watch posted videos? Since the Google faggets got their hands on it i have been stuck to using the mobile version with max 720p on ios, on the desktop version 99% of the videos just say unavailable on this device. :mad: :mad: :mad:

The myth that there are no games to play on next gen is squashed.

its not so much no games on next gen its working games lol

fifa,cod and far cry all still broken online you would think cod and fifa would be spot on now all the releases they have made :(

destiny is ok if you like sitting raiding all night lol

if i was you to get that feeling of next gen and not be let down i would start with wolfenstein ,lotr and gta
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