Images of items I have purchased.

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Marmite Sausages "yum"



More stuff for my bathroom (work starts on Monday).

Toilet seat
Toilet unit
Basin unit
Bath panel
Shower screen
That really looks fantastic, never seen anything quite like it! (Great gift too).

thats a great gift
that looks cool looks like something you would see in a sci fi film you will have to give us a update on your mums reaction when you give it to her

ive been trying to find some paintings that my grandad done i saw a few on ebay completed listings a while ago but nothing since i do look every now and then

I've just bought this as a surprise birthday present for my mum. It's a silver brooch made by Ernest Blyth in 1966.

He was her brother and a quite talented goldsmith in the 60's, 70's and 80's (he won the DeBeers award twice). He died around 15 years ago and sadly the small number of items that my mum had of his were lost is a small house fire around 10 years ago. So I thought this brooch would be a lovely sentimental present for her. I was very pleased when I found it and I can't wait to give it to her tomorrow and see her reaction when she reads the signature on the back :)

I have some fantastic memories of visiting his studio with my mum and brother in the early 70's to see him work. It's strange to think that he would never have known when he was making this item that it would find its way back to his sister 49 years later.

thats a great gift
that looks cool looks like something you would see in a sci fi film you will have to give us a update on your mums reaction when you give it to her

ive been trying to find some paintings that my grandad done i saw a few on ebay completed listings a while ago but nothing since i do look every now and then

I've just bought this as a surprise birthday present for my mum. It's a silver brooch made by Ernest Blyth in 1966.

He was her brother and a quite talented goldsmith in the 60's, 70's and 80's (he won the DeBeers award twice). He died around 15 years ago and sadly the small number of items that my mum had of his were lost is a small house fire around 10 years ago. So I thought this brooch would be a lovely sentimental present for her. I was very pleased when I found it and I can't wait to give it to her tomorrow and see her reaction when she reads the signature on the back :)

I have some fantastic memories of visiting his studio with my mum and brother in the early 70's to see him work. It's strange to think that he would never have known when he was making this item that it would find its way back to his sister 49 years later.

Thanks everyone. Sorry if I haven't quoted all of you above as I'm posting from a phone.

I gave it to my mum this evening. She had no idea before she opened the box. But as soon as she opened it she burst into tears without even turning it over to see the signature. She recognised it immediately and spent the next few minutes crying with happiness. Apparently she remembers him making either this one or certainly something very similar back when he was still living in the family home. I hadn't realised it before now but in 1966 he wasn't working in his studio but was still working out of the family house. My mum had left home by then to get married but often went back and remembers it, or something very similar, at the time. I really don't know if that is true. But she was in tears for quite some time.

So I think that was a success :)

That's a fantastic present Hades :cool:
I'm really glad it was received so well, especially after losing other pieces so tragically.

Amazing that she remembers it being made.
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