Images of items I have purchased.

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I always miss those Bespoke Amazon offers... got the email the other day but by the time I tried to buy some the website was just slow as anything. Never mind.

Craft cutter. lucky to get it after delivery man just left it on the doorstep without bothering to check if any body was in.
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New Samsung TV for my wall, don't worry about the cables, they are now hidden inside the wall. ;)

Excuse the photo, taken with my Iphone potato camera.

It's not really advertised everywhere to be fair, but it's one of those things that pops up on HUKD at the right time. But you basically double your money, for free (or 30 secs work) and get Quidco cashback too - no brainer really, like someone said above - some guys were doing nearly a £1000 worth

Am i right think that these bespoke vouchers have really short life span, like you have to spend them across two or three days?
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