Images of items I have purchased.

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literally the only thing that puts me off having triple screen is that daft black bezel inbetween all of them.

I mean I look at that pic and its lovely and then I just focus on those two massive black bars, which I would do when gaming too :(

After a while you don't notice them, i had eyefinity up until recently from 2011 and the bezels were a non issue after a few hours.
A bargain Ferrari gem for the collection:



That is absolutely amazing.
xGBHxPegasus, out of sheer curiosity. What was DPD's delivery driver reaction to that pile? You usually always get funny stories with these huge deliveries.

Plus, Raymond that is adorable!
ooft, very nice!

Cheers :D

Outside your door?! Lucky no one nicked those!

Yup, Although our block of flats have a front and back door, then a fire door, stairs and then a fire door to actually get to my front door, so unless I have nosy neighbours their safe.

You don't **** around! :D

Very nice.

Go big or go home :p

literally the only thing that puts me off having triple screen is that daft black bezel inbetween all of them.

I mean I look at that pic and its lovely and then I just focus on those two massive black bars, which I would do when gaming too :(

As Strife212 said, its pretty much your peripheral vision, going back to single screen to me feels like someones put them horse visor things on you lol.

xGBHxPegasus, out of sheer curiosity. What was DPD's delivery driver reaction to that pile? You usually always get funny stories with these huge deliveries.

It was 2 delivery's actually, first was DPD who phoned me up and asked if it was ok to put infront of my door as none of my neighbors were answering either, that was the stand and graphics cards. Second was *Shudder* Yodel, who just left the screens there and marked it as delivered.

If anyones interested I came from 3 x Samsung 23" S23A700D and a 690. So its a nice "little" jump which should last we a while :) Tried a bit of BF4 last night and I think its gonna take a day or 2 to get used too! Stand is HUGE and took a good hour or so to setup the whole thing.
It arrived! :D

[url=][img][img][/url][url=]12314456_10154396827439966_3945722259954366094_o[/url] by [url=]jonjones262[/url], on Flickr[IMG][/QUOTE]

I love black and yellow on bikes! :D
I promise I'm not jealous ;) that must have all set you back a few quid though

It did indeed. Was contemplating the purchase for about 5 months after thinking I would get a new graphics card. Decided to do all at the same time.

Very Happy with it, although keep tweaking the height off the monitors lol
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