Images of items I have purchased.

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New switch (a steal at £40 - it was cheaper than a basic tp-link 16 port one), and some viewing material.

I've got a bunch of new patch cables and some new 4 port face plates on order as well (I need to re-arrange the cabling and add a couple of new network points).
Remember Audition creeping me out big time when it first came out! Was the switch a one off, or is it still available at that price?

Audition is one of those films that is probably not for the squeemish :)

The switch was a short term offer that cropped up just at the right time :) (out of ports on my existing switch).
Thought I'd start joining in on this thread and sharing too :D

Sennheiser Momentum IEG2's:





Very very impressed with the audio quality of these, hearing things in tracks I never knew existed!
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