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it should however be made law that you batter the living daylights out of all the uncourteous pleb heads that do park over a/your driveway. Clowns.
But if you can't get out of your drive what can you do? Providing I can't identify the owner myself, I have always assumed to just call the Police. Is that wrong?

No it isn't wrong.
I had to repeatedly call the Police because an ex neighbour used to do it to me and in the end they gave him a warning of some kind.
Apparently if you haven't got a dropped kerb you have no 'rights' anyway.
You do realise that there is no offence of parking in front of a driveway or lowered kerb right? It's not illegal regardless of dropped kerb or not.

well I wont quote the law but long time ago late one night in front of some very black painted gates on a dark street I parked my car absent mindly. Came back the next day and police had broken into the car and moved it, leaving me a parking ticket. :o I cant remember the text on the ticket exactly sorry
Friend of mine has a pretty long driveway up to his house and every now and then he gets divs parking halfway up it. His solution? He locks the gates with the cars still parked on his driveway. He's had irate car owners phone the police on him a few times now, they just turn up and say there's nothing that they can do as he's well within his rights to close and lock his gates any time he wants to. :D
You do realise that there is no offence of parking in front of a driveway or lowered kerb right? It's not illegal regardless of dropped kerb or not.

Cause unnecessary obstruction by motor vehicle - Contrary to regulation 103 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and Schedule 2 to the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.

Issued numerous tickets to cars blocking someones access off their property. Also had quite a few towed away as well. Never had a single ticket contested.
Cause unnecessary obstruction by motor vehicle - Contrary to regulation 103 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and Schedule 2 to the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.

Issued numerous tickets to cars blocking someones access off their property. Also had quite a few towed away as well. Never had a single ticket contested.

According to our local police, it's only illegal if there's a vehicle already on the driveway, as it's illegal to block access that prevents a vehicle getting ON to a public highway. But if the driveway is empty, it's not illegal to block it because it's not illegal to block access OFF the public highway onto private property....
As to the kerb, local council is useless round here, previous owners just chipped the kerb as you can see, will eventually get it done correctly! :)

Perks of living in Yorkshire! :)
yea the local council up here would have had a field day if you done that to a kerb.. they would have had you billed for new kerb stones and anything else they could get you for..

Im fairly lucky though as its a wee narrow street we live in when the council repaired the paths they lowered all the kerbs in the street as there is no room for on street parking.

this was done before we moved in but still it saves us the expense
Cause unnecessary obstruction by motor vehicle - Contrary to regulation 103 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and Schedule 2 to the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.

Issued numerous tickets to cars blocking someones access off their property. Also had quite a few towed away as well. Never had a single ticket contested.

I believe Burnsy left his statement deliberately ambiguous in order to have people try and disagree with him ;)

There is no offence of parking across a driveway. The offence is, as you state above, obstruction but only applies to preventing cars to enter the public road.

Semantics y0! :p
How's the pen holder? Wanting to pick one up for a SP4, heard that it now has a proper full length pen holder to stop the metals scratching?

Yes it is full length and fine:


The case has a nice feel to it and also has two back pockets and a credit card pocket on the inside.
You do realise that there is no offence of parking in front of a driveway or lowered kerb right? It's not illegal regardless of dropped kerb or not.

Depends where you live. Since the local councils took over parking enforcement, many (including mine) have made it illegal to park over a dropped kerb anywhere in the borough. Mine even provides a number for the homeowner to call and someone comes out to ticket anyone parked over your dropped kerb.
Depends where you live. Since the local councils took over parking enforcement, many (including mine) have made it illegal to park over a dropped kerb anywhere in the borough. Mine even provides a number for the homeowner to call and someone comes out to ticket anyone parked over your dropped kerb.

not a bad thing really
taken a while to go though, but our little house in the country:


Not shown the 4kg of filler & >100L paint that we've put onto the inside walls over the last fortnight... still a load to do as well!
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