****Images of Items or Services Purchased in November 2012****

Quite curious as to how good this is as an actual camera, or whether it's just a midrange compact with some cool gadgets.


I've not used it extensively enough yet to properly give an accurate answer and I'm definitely not enough of a photographer to give an expert review.

However I would say for the price, there are definitely better cameras out there and you're mainly paying for the Android connectivity which I'm finding cool on one hand and a bit of a gimmick on the other. For example, it appears both Dropbox and Google+ compress pictures when they're uploaded automatically from the camera.

I do like the touch screen controls though, in manual mode you get a cool looking segmented lens barrel, with each segment representing a scroll wheel for things like aperture, ISO and shutter speed.

I'll take some shots with it in different light levels and post them here. Actually, I've already taken some here, which were taken on manual mode but they were under halogen lamps and I think I had the shutter speed set too low.
Anybody drank some LOL yet? :D

Looks like the LG logo, prepare for a lawsuit.

"sir a company is selling a drink product with a smiley face."

"do we have the patent for smiley faces?"

"no but it looks similar to our logo"

"similar eh"

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Looks like the LG logo, prepare for a lawsuit.

"sir a company is selling a drink product with a smiley face."

"do we have the patent for smiley faces?"

"no but it looks similar to our logo"

"similar eh"


I would agree but then it's LG, not "lets sue the pants off everyone for everything" Apple we are talking about :p
not sure why Australian Defense Industries are surplussing ammunition but that means more for me. bought this can and liked it so much i ordered 5 more but in the cans with 900 not this can of 600.
these chargers are for the Steyr Aug rifle .



The New Zealand govt bought a load of ammo to use with the Steyr Aug but it was found to be problematic and it was sold off cheap in the bucket load. Works fine in other rifles. My mate bought some for his AR15. Wonder if it was from the same supplier? May explain it!
not sure why Australian Defense Industries are surplussing ammunition but that means more for me. bought this can and liked it so much i ordered 5 more but in the cans with 900 not this can of 600.
these chargers are for the Steyr Aug rifle .

Looks like you are getting ready for the war. :D How much does one of those cans cost?
dam i wish we could buy bulk like that in the uk !!

Probably looking £50-60 per hundred in the uk if you bought bulk and £25-30 per box of 20 if bought in small amounts :(
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