IMPORTANT: Members Market access

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“This is quite stupid”….taken from an effective writing course or a fine example of how to win friends and influence people?
There's a notice in MM which says this:

A reminder of the MM Guidelines​

Posting this to remind everyone of the MM Guidelines to ensure deals go as smoothly as possible.

We have had the Guidelines included in the rules for as long as I can remember and it appears that many people aren't following them, which is resulting in problematic deals and more and more threads appearing in the Disputes section.

Please, please, please, PLEASE(!!!) follow the Guidelines here -

Most importantly, ensure that you obtain all contact details including phone numbers in case there's an issue.
We can only help so much, without following the Guidelines you're pretty much in the dark...

Then in the guidelines, it says this:

As soon as you initially strike a deal as either a buyer or seller, please make sure you obtain the following information.
  • Full name.
  • Full address, which includes the house name and/or number, city or town and the postcode. Refuse the addresses of relatives or places of work.
  • A contact telephone number, ideally for the address which you have also obtained.

Not getting this information before sending any money is stupid. I'm not going to beat around the bush. It's stupid. If I'm giving someone money for something, I sure as hell want to know who they are and where they live. If I don't and that person does a runner, how can I contact them?

I can do a cracking impersonation of Roy Kent if that is of any use?

No you can't.

"He's here, he's there, he's every-*******-where".

Nearly 40% of your posts are within the MM. That's nothing like Roy Kent who is, as above, every-*******-where.
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