Originally posted by Tesla
Are they likely to knock 10% off though? Even knock anything off?
youre spending close to £600 or more I'm pretty sure they will knock something off or maybe give you some speaker wire for free.
Floorstanders are quite a bit better than standmounts cos they deliver better bass etc etc.
Also get Richers to set it all up and Demo it for you take a DVD - Gladiator would be a good bet as it has a really good DTS soundtrack, sit and watch the first battle scene and see what you think
EDIT: I think they will be ok next to the TV but really I would try to leave at least a foot or more between them, check the speakers are magnetically shielded and you will be fine.
Oh one final thing, dont get different lengths of speaker cable for your different speakers.
if one rear is 8m and one 9m get to lengths of 9 metres.