- A new pay what u want site :)

id quite like the bonus album, maybe the others, but dont fancy anything else of the bundle :/
anyone wanna sell me that for like 2 dollars?:D

You can buy the album for $5. May as well make it $7 and get the games as well though, surely?
Not to rub it in your face or anything, but I'm listening to it right now and it's really good! :D
bought, Eden was great on the PS3. Seems like it might not have multiplayer (just a global ranking), unless it unlocks after doing the first few gardens - which sucks balls, as griefing in multiplayer was the best part of the game!
  1. Harvest: Massive Encounter for: steam (pc, mac), windows, mac, linux, desura - more bundle info!
  2. The Journey Down: Chapter One for: windows, mac, linux, desura
  3. Serious Sam 2 for: steam (pc)
  4. Gundemonium Recollection for: steam (pc), windows, desura - The Steam Key is for the *entire* Gundemonium Collection.
  5. GundeadliGne for: steam (pc), windows, desura
  6. Hitogata Happa for: steam (pc), windows, desura
  7. Acceleration Of Suguri X-Edition for: windows, desura
  8. Dino Run SE for: windows, mac, linux, desura - Special Edition (enhanced from the Flash original) w/ upgrades
  9. BONUS: AirMech for: steam (beta), windows, desura - Plus Indie Royale "Fleur de Lis" Pet for your AirMech!
Thanks for posting, Neil!

Barely any of those games appeal to me, except Harvest. I've played the demo of it and I'm absolutely bloody useless at it. It's an interesting take on tower defense. I'd buy it if I thought I could ever be any good at it!
I usually skip the Indie Royale bundles to be honest; I think I've only bought one. To be fair there was at least one other that I would have bought if I didn't already own the games, but generally I think their bundles are a lot weaker than, say, Humble.
Glad I'm not the only person disappointed. :(

Usually there's always one awesome game I'm interested in a bundle. Some of the more Royal ones just seem to be grab whatever ****e and old titles they can get there hands on and stick it up. The Royal bundles aren't even for charity either are they?
Yet another meh bundle from these guys, although I might buy it for the Geneforge series.

**** Swift Stitch. I cannot get to grips with that game.
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