- A new pay what u want site :)

Yup, nuclear dawn, Max & The Magic Marker, Fractal, Super crossfire. First 3 activate on steam :D not bad then
Guys, you have to pick this up for Nuclear Dawn alone. It's a great little game! Even I like it and I don't like shooters.
for the love of god, pay over the minimum, the album is AMAZING!!! that you get free

cheesy midi dirtyness, including some dubstep mixes lol
Just bunged a fiver on it so I can stick that Max and his magic wotsit on the MacBook for the littluns. That Crossfire thing looks good too.
New deal for 100 hours, 91 left.
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
Serious Sam Double D
Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack
Serious Sam: The First & Second Encounter
For £2.71.

3/4 Register on steam. Might get it. Is it worth it?
Meh. The only game I'm remotely interested in there is Hoard. I have yet to buy an Indieroyale bundle. :(
Now this is more like it!

I know Towns is ace because I've played the demo. One for Dwarf Fortress fans! 3079 I haven't played but it looks absolutely brilliant, eh? Not too sure about the other one though; puzzle platformers are not my thing.

Looks like I'm finally going to pick up an Indie Royale!
It's not really pay what you want if you have to pay above a certain amount. I mean, you should anyway but it's beside the point.

I'm never overly keen on the games on there anyway so i'll just stick with humble :p
According tot he site paying above the minimum makes the price drop eventually.
I'm sure theres people paying 1/2p above the minimum and the price is going up lol

Currently £3.21
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