Indoor rowing - Concept 2

I'm not back up to 10k yet, prob go for a 5k this weekend.
Certainly feel the burn on the arms whilst rowing and the back afterwards lol.
I've broke 8mins for 2k, sub 7 is a long long way off. Dont even know if I don't do any weightlifting, if I'll ever do it haha.

Buy a seat cover, about £5 on eBay, as said above.
Just checking but can I ask what you have the resistance set to? A common mistake is to set it way too high. Generally, for every day fitness use, you want to sit it about level 3 and then only upto about 5 once you get quite a bit of experience.

Higher resistance doesnt mean it records longer distances per stroke, it just makes it more difficult.
Drag factor of 115 to 140 for cardio work out.
Start at the lower end and build up as you get stronger.
There are tons of workout suggestions out there.

IMO (and I am no expert BTW), beginners should start of in a gentle pace and low Stroke Per Min (SPM). You arent looking for fast times here, you are looking to concentrate on your form, even if that means slow steady SPM with you consciously checking your form as you go. Once, you have that down, you just choose what you prefer.

Some people prefer long distance rows of 8k and up at a slower pace
Some people prefer short sprints at a higher intensity.
Some people mix it up and alternate days with long slow rows on some and shorter fast or HIIT workouts (say 6 x 500m rows at a quick but comfortable pace with 2 min break between each interval)
Mixing up I like, long rows get boring all the time.
Tend to do a long row on a Friday.
When I play badminton I'll do intervals such as, 10x 250m 30sec rest.
Other days I'll do 2k or 5k.
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