****ing fuming!

7 Oct 2009
Need to vent.

Was just riding down the A5 and came up behind two cars, the front one was doing about 35mph in a 60 for whatever reason.

I waited until the road was safe to overtake and then waited for a further 5 seconds or so to see if the other vehicle behind the slow car would overtake. He showed no signs of it so I stuck my indicator on and went to accelerate past. I was doing nigh on 60 and about to go past the first vehicle when he decided he would in fact overtake without indicating and apparently not checking his mirrors.

I came about a foot away from hitting the back right of his car even after squeezing the front brake and beeping the horn.

For some reason after hearing my horn the dozy **** thought the best way to deal with me about to get knocked off by him at 60mph was to brake himself. This brought his rear end even closer to my front wheel and almost knocked me off again!

What a complete idiot. Needless to say I eventually rode past him and caught his eye on the way. Not even a hint of apologetic behaviour but instead he shook his head and gave me the middle finger.

*****!! disgusting, if you collided would he of shook his head and give you the finger then? i dont think so. I would have trailed him home tbh, cant stand people like that.

Glad to hear your ok though!
It's hard but the only way to deal with this is to try to be unphased by it.

If it's any consolation the guy's reaction was probably caused by embarrassment. He almost certainly knows he just didn't see you and his annoyance (at himself really) was manifested in the only way it could be.
A good kick with the left boot into the drivers door as you go past, followed by a large twist of the throttle has cleared my head of any further anger in the past in similar situations. It has made me feel a lot better and left the ******** in the car having to dip into his/her wallet.
I was going to say the same as the above couple of posts but feared that I would be called a hooligan.. glad it's not just me :D
He gave the finger cos you are a "biker"....so obviously were in the wrong :D

Bit of nice weather brings the penis brigade out as usual.

It would be satisfying to kick his motor no doubt but if he got your plate details, you could be having a knock at the door off plod.
Chill, my new trick is to follow at distance, if its a 4 door wait till it has to stop in traffic and pop the rear door open, then ride off again!! funny watching them all confused wondering what to do!!
It's hard but the only way to deal with this is to try to be unphased by it.

If it's any consolation the guy's reaction was probably caused by embarrassment. He almost certainly knows he just didn't see you and his annoyance (at himself really) was manifested in the only way it could be.

or the fact that the OP may have moved to a blind spot when the driver mirror checked and saw nothing behind or to the side of him.

I am curious if the OP intended to pass both cars at the same time

I always defer to the vehicle in front to over take first and be prepared for any further slow down or speed up from the vehicle in the very front. I defer because in such a situation you are putting yourself at further risk by overtaking.

I used to get angry but now I just accept that everyone else is out there to kill me because I am invisible to them and prepare.
Agree the driver's an idiot, but there's a lot you can do to make this sort of thing a bit safer. Firstly, if there's enough time / space, I'd indicate and pull out before going past, to make sure that you're visible in the 2nd car's wingmirror, then I'd give it full beans going past, while also giving plenty of room in case the 2nd car decides to swerve out.

Overtaking is always risky, the main advantage you have is the ability to out-accelerate everything else, so why not use it?
It's hard but the only way to deal with this is to try to be unphased by it.

If it's any consolation the guy's reaction was probably caused by embarrassment. He almost certainly knows he just didn't see you and his annoyance (at himself really) was manifested in the only way it could be.

Sadly I doubt this. He's probably venting on some other forum

"This madman on a bike roared up behind me before I could see him, almost caused an accident!"

There are a huge number of scrotum sacks on the road
I've always thought I'd act like this in the situation: Make him pull over. Walk over to the car. Open the door. Pick the keys from the ignition and throw them somewhere he'll never find them. Hop on bike, ride off. :D
Sadly I doubt this. He's probably venting on some other forum

"This madman on a bike roared up behind me before I could see him, almost caused an accident!"

There are a huge number of scrotum sacks on the road

I agree that he may well be a knob and venting on a forum somewhere else in cyberspace, stating what you quoted. My point was that deep down he knows he made a mistake and was embarrassed/disappointed that he made the error.

Psychologically speaking it's how human beings deal with that kind of thing, particularly men where the ego plays a massive part.
So the next time some **** on a bike almost causes me to crash, it's ok for me to knock him off his bike?
So the next time some **** on a bike almost causes me to crash, it's ok for me to knock him off his bike?

Either that push him off then snap his chain. But make sure you damage his bike as if they kick a rear quarter to the point of being damaged its an easy 400- £600 repair.

I have nothing against bikers but some of the talk in here is frustrating.
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