****ing fuming!

Either that push him off then snap his chain. But make sure you damage his bike as if they kick a rear quarter to the point of being damaged its an easy 400- £600 repair.

I have nothing against bikers but some of the talk in here is frustrating.

lol how you going to snap his chain.
I just accept that everyone else is out there to kill me because I am invisible to them and prepare.
< this is my golden rule.. Even if you know they have seen you, still expect them to do something daft to endanger your existance because it's in their nature.

I bet he gave the middle finger because you used the horn.. In a cagers world the horn is a form of swearing, where I live I hear horn wars every day between 5-7pm.

This is so true even after all these years:
It's situations similar to this which serve to completely reinforce the old "loud pipes save lives" adage - the concept of which many of our clueless 4 wheeled cousins in OcUK Motors generally have absolutely no idea about, having demonstrated it on numerous occasions. The driver obviously was not aware you were there, he didn't see you in his mirrors and his aural senses obviously never picked up on you being behind him either.

When I approach a car from the rear and I'm getting ready to overtake, they definitely know I'm there. Twin baffle-less Renegade exhausts see to that. ;)
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+1 for loud cans.

I'd go so far as to say people "feel" me coming before they see me :p

Agreed. In fact the only issue I've had is that you can see some drivers in front of me looking up into the skies as they think a low flying helicopter is buzzing by.

I can categorically say that loud pipes do work though. :cool:
There is absolutely no way he wouldn't have seen me if he had checked his mirrors. I made sure I was in the reflection in his mirror, he just didn't check it.

I also went to the other side of the road to accelerate instead of getting speed behind him to make sure both cars knew I was overtaking.

As for getting a loud exhaust, I too have the baffles removed from my renegade can.
I have a better reason to be ****ed, last night on my way home I approached a mini roundabout indicating right, I slowed to check for traffic from the right and saw traffic approaching from straight but still about 100 feet from the dotted line, entered the roundabout (the were about 20 feet from the line) and the lead car slammed on his brakes and skidded out (rather wet last night) over the dotted line missing me by inches.

So I put my hand up to acknowledge him managing to stop, even though it was his fault, but he proceeded to enter the street I was on and over take and pull over in front of me. He got out of his car and accused me of sticking my middle finger up at him.

I laughed in his face and zipped off round him, he managed to hit me in my back pack (hopefully that hurt him as I had something heavy and solid in there).

I then took the long way home because he continued to follow me but gave up for a while, license plate taken and description of incident given to the police, just in case he has another 'confrontation' with a biker.
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Had pretty much the exact same thing happen to me OP, a few years back on my first bike - albeit without the driver giving me the finger; they just looked straight ahead and pretended I wasn't there!

Doing a 500 mile commute per week now (in a car!), for the last 10 months, I see so much more poor driving than I used to on my 25 mile commute :D And the biggest culprits other than woman are men aged (at a guess) 20-35 - it's just all about the ego, they race, block and generally drive dangerously in an attempt to keep this ego buffed!

I see far fewer 'boy racers' these days, it seems the late teens-early twenties opt to drive the same old lowered 'rides' adorned with stickers and hanging cuddly toys... gone are the days of Novas tazzing around (thankfully).

Back on two wheels though, seeing all these 'characters' week in week out helps me to keep my spidy senses on the lookout, having said this, I'll probably be posting in the hotter months telling you all how I got hit off by someone I hadn't pinged.

As for smacking cars in disgust, I like the idea, but I prefer the idea of opening a door instead :cool:
I for one do not condone retaliating to any problematic driver. There's plenty out there who seem unaware of motorcyclists - even some motorcyclists!

I have had plenty of close shaves from people not seeing me, the best option is to try to remain calm and later reflect and learn from them.

At the end of the day a small dent and scratch on a car can mean weeks in hospital for you. Many drivers do not realise this. We tend not to bounce very well...

this is why you should never try to damage a car after they have "accidently impeded your access"

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Sadly I doubt this. He's probably venting on some other forum

"This madman on a bike roared up behind me before I could see him, almost caused an accident!"

There are a huge number of scrotum sacks on the road

"He came out of nowhere" is the phrase these pathetic individuals use to try to defend their utter lack of driving ability.
Some bikers have no road safety, just the other day 3 bikers pulled out on me as I went round a round a bout forcing me to pull up sharply, I hit my horn and they just put up there middle finger, maybe I should have just carried on and hit them? they wouldn't having been giving me the finger then, and yes they had seen me but for some reason each bike followed the first as if they all had a toe rope attached to each of them.

It's really a case of being aware just how stupid people on the roads are and lookout for yourself, think to yourself, well what could happen here? and then try to take the right choice, maybe you should have given the driver a little more time to see what he was going to do.
maybe you should have given the driver a little more time to see what he was going to do.

No. Should is not the right word. Everything I should have done, I did.

I could have given him more time to see me but that wouldn't have prevented anything as he didn't check his mirrors. I know for a fact that if he had checked his mirrors, he would have seen me because I could see him.
I think silly season has begun especially in Cumbria where there's been a few Pillocks around both cars & bikes, but more cars for sure so the baffle is out and the revs are high if I think ive not been seen. Some car drivers are curtious and are fully aware of bikes that pop out of nowhere other are too focused on anything else but the road. I take great care as I'm sure a lot of us do when I'm on my bike and always expect the unexpected and never try to shock cars that I'm coming up behind! I keep my gopro with me just incase now...
I'm thankful that i have never got into such a situation. I have such a short temper that i would in fact slow down and follow them to nut them in the face with my helmet on. ***** !
I'm thankful that i have never got into such a situation. I have such a short temper that i would in fact slow down and follow them to nut them in the face with my helmet on. ***** !

Honestly, you should probably stay off the road, until you learn to control that then.

I suspect a 'short temper' is what causes plenty of red-mist incidents on the road, or makes people drive/ride aggressively, it's just not the mentality a driver or rider should take out there.

Hopefully you can seek some professional help, anger management etc, as I pity the poor person who ends up on the receiving end of temper...
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