Injecting a household cat with Trenbolone

cant be bothered reading the thread tbh I didnt think it would be 3 pages, i get thread fatigue after about 2.

anyway apparantly they come in pellet form and you need a $200 gun to insert the pellets under the skin. There's a way to convert it to an injectable oil but that's just getting ridiculous. I mean it would be quite interesting to have create a super muscly cat but at the end of the day its not going to win a prize or anything.
cant be bothered reading the thread tbh I didnt think it would be 3 pages, i get thread fatigue after about 2.

anyway apparantly they come in pellet form and you need a $200 gun to insert the pellets under the skin. There's a way to convert it to an injectable oil but that's just getting ridiculous. I mean it would be quite interesting to have create a super muscly cat but at the end of the day its not going to win a prize or anything.

:confused: You're a strange chap.
cant be bothered reading the thread tbh I didnt think it would be 3 pages, i get thread fatigue after about 2.

anyway apparantly they come in pellet form and you need a $200 gun to insert the pellets under the skin. There's a way to convert it to an injectable oil but that's just getting ridiculous. I mean it would be quite interesting to have create a super muscly cat but at the end of the day its not going to win a prize or anything.

kwerk, never change dude. never change.
Maybe OP should try some out on himself and report back here..........

....... then again I'm sure he's got enough sense not to try anything silly on himself or a cat.

you'd think that, but a lot of roid heads actually use veterinary grade roids. Remember veterinary medicines go through the same approval process as human medicines in that they are assessed for safety and efficacy by the MHRA. Therefore in effect you could take them yourself if you were brave enough, the only differences are usually posology, route of administration and likely formulation concentration
You'll need to make sure it eats loads and trains hard though, the gear won't do anything unless the cat's diet and training routine are up to scratch.
Cats don't excercise enough to build muscle, they sleep all day.

However someone now has the idea of injecting cats with stuff, so let's see what horrors await us on YouTube as humanities walking abortions discover a new thing to do.
Well it'll certainly help him from being a slightly tubby and not very built person he is now! ;)

I'm not fat I'm just big boned. Actually I have disgusting stretch marks down my biceps and thighs from when I lifted before. None on my belly though.

This is my base line without lifting weights. I'm down 10 lbs actually from the other pic from doing a lot of cardio. Another 2 months and I should have my 6-pack back (starting to peak through the chub). Then 12 months of lifting after that and I should be in stretch mark territory again. It's still a bit gay though IMO.

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