Injecting a household cat with Trenbolone

I'm not fat I'm just big boned. Actually I have disgusting stretch marks down my biceps and thighs from when I lifted before. None on my belly though.

This is my base line without lifting weights. I'm down 10 lbs actually from the other pic from doing a lot of cardio. Another 2 months and I should have my 6-pack back (starting to peak through the chub). Then 12 months of lifting after that and I should be in stretch mark territory again. It's still a bit gay though IMO.


I just don't get the whole body building thing, the only people who appreciate it are other guys, and the only women who appreciate it are the run of the mill troggladites with half a brain cell.

Then again, if your a male stripper earning £2k a night go for it :D
I just don't get the whole body building thing, the only people who appreciate it are other guys, and the only women who appreciate it are the run of the mill troggladites with half a brain cell.


Although I can understand the art of it, like admiring a prize bull or sports car or well developed house cat or something, it's an impressive machine and the proportions of well designed machines just look "right" if you know what I mean. Maybe something to do with golden ratios. It seems a little gay but it's not sexually gay (except for a inevitable few ppl I suppose).
I was at the farm supply store today picking up this year's supply of mesotrione for my lawn (see here) and noticed they have a fridge full of steroids! It's for livestock and horses and you can buy it OTC without a prescription or whatever. They had testosterone cypronate, trenbolone, and some other stuff.

It got me wondering what would happen if you injected an appropriate dose in to a cat just to see it get super muscly? Ethical questions aside, would it even be legal?

Screw the cat. You got Tren? Lucky mofo.

PS, where's this shop? I can't believe they'd sell all that just off the shelf.
I just don't get the whole body building thing, the only people who appreciate it are other guys, and the only women who appreciate it are the run of the mill troggladites with half a brain cell.

Then again, if your a male stripper earning £2k a night go for it :D

I think that's a little unfair. I have some friends who do the bodybuilding thing, and it is an amazing amount of dedication - they compete in shows however. They are intelligent decent people, and they don't do it for vanity's sake necessarily, they do it to see what they can achieve. Personally, I have no interest in it - I do weightlifting/strength training but not pose lifting ;)

I do agree with the brats in the gym that just do bicep curls tend to be the knuckle draggers of this world - but then again I just leave people to their own devices.
I just don't get the whole body building thing, the only people who appreciate it are other guys, and the only women who appreciate it are the run of the mill troggladites with half a brain cell.

Define 'body building', anyone who lifts weights with an aim of looking better is a body builder to an extent, that would include people like Brad Pitt, Mark Wahlberg, Johnny Depp etc.

I'm pretty sure women appreciate them :p
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