Installing a ssd and raid0 confusion

2 Aug 2010
Straya but now east London innit
Hello Just doing a new build but a little confused on how to properly setup my hard drives

I have a
60GB OCZ Technology Vertex 2E
2 500GB Seagate barras
Asus P7P55D evo

On the board it has two controllers jmicron (2 ports) and 6 intel p55 ports. I understand that to install a ssd I have to set to ahci but I also want to raid0 my 2 500gb drives. Any advice on how i can go about this? ive read connecting a ssd to the jmicron port isnt a good idea.
Raid is AHCI, just with raid 0/1/5 functionalities, TRIM will work with the ICH10R controller in raid mode as long as the SSD is not actually in a raid array. Don't install on the Jmicron in any case it's most likely IDE emulated and does not fully support TRIM command.

Just make sure you install the latest Intel rapid storage.
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PLug all the drives into the p55 ports

on first boot go into bios and set sata to RAID mode
press f10 when done and have your OS disc in etc

install OS onto your 60GB drive , RAID mode will automatically install ACHI drivers , tho id recomend using the intel matrix storage drivers once windows is finished

dont forget to disable superfetch , prefetch , defrag etc and move your cache and pagefile

EDIT i use a similar SSD plus RAID set up on my x58 also with seagate 500.12s and its very fast , tho with a crucial real ssd 128gb
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